Where is my Motivation?!
We all know that exercise is good for us. We know that moving our bodies regularly, increasing our heart rate, our muscle strength and our core stability will help to fight diseases, prolong our lives, and improve our quality of life.
BUT… here is the question – why then is it such a struggle to do it?!
Every ‘body’ will benefit from exercise but everybody is different. We must find something, someone or somewhere we feel safe to drop the boundaries and put ourselves out there for.
There are so many reasons we state to stop us exercising – I hear a lot of these and have used them myself!
What if I cannot keep up? What if I cannot do it? What if I hurt myself? What will others think of me? What do I wear? Who will be there? I cannot fit it in between everything else I have to juggle. I am too tired. I do not have the time. I cannot afford it.
Just remember that everyone starts somewhere. We do not have to be in this to win a race, get a six pack and we certainly do not have to get a loan to pay for the designer fitness wear! We just must convince ourselves that it is better to simply start.
We started our fitness community to make sure everyone has access to fun, quality fitness and sports activities that are both inclusive and affordable. All our members state the hardest part was coming along to that first session but afterwards they realised no-one cared what they were wearing, no-one was judging them and that they deserved spending a little bit of money and time on themselves.
Invest in yourself today and come along to a session with us – and remember the first bootcamp is free and it is ALWAYS fun!!!